Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Year In Photos -- Week Nine

I have five posts for you this week, but only three are from the intended lineup last week. Due to some intense deadline pressure, Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't get out for photographing whatever looked like it may be interesting. So, on Tuesday we'll complete a two-day look at how filters effect monochrome photography. On Wednesday, I have some shots from Golden Gate Park to share.

This week's lineup promises to be pretty great. We'll start the week with last week's Tuesday offering.

Monday: Nikon N70 (2314287), Nikon 35-80 (4438066), loaded with Tmax 400 ISO and a Nikkor Y48 filter to enhance contrast.

Tuesday: Pentax KM (8273837), Pentax-A 28-80 (6094417), loaded with Ilford 50 ISO and a UV filter. I'm still excited to see how this lens functions on film.

Wednesday: Canon EOS Rebel 2000 (2617067) and Canon 28-80(2611388)loaded with Foma 100 ISO film. I picked this camera up but don't have a huge need for it (since I have an RT, too.) So you can buy this exact camera on Amazon from me, if you'd like. It should be the cheapest one there. However, it won't ship till Thursday. This camera does have no nice characteristics. For instance, it's lighter than a burglar's footsteps and pre-winds the film. The latter allows it to wind film INTO the camera as it takes exposures. That's would have been useful this weekend when I loaded a roll of Ilford 50 ISO PANF into my F3. IT was labeled "27 exposures" but only had seven. Oops. I guess I mis-counted when I spooled that roll.

Thursday: Last week I picked up a lot of four 'broken' cameras. I suspected, based on the seller's descriptions, that two would work perfectly with fresh batteries. I was right. So ThHursday I'll try one of the camera out, a Pentax SF10 (4917010) and outfit it with my Pentax 35-80 AF lens (4447161) and a polarizing filter. For film: Foma 400 ISO. A great thing about this lens, at 80mm, it stops down to f32 (f22 at 35mm), so if Thursday is particularly sunny and I need to stop down to accommodate the 400 ISO film, I can.

Friday: Pentax K2 (7084574), Pentax 50mm (3007577), Ilford PANF 50 ISO, and a Tiffen 25 Red 1 filter. Interesting lens fact: This was the first lens I ever owned. Also, I have three copied of it. This one, unlike the other two, has an interesting bokeh when wide-open. Bokeh is the shape that blurry parts of a photography take. An idea bokeh is creamy, unobtrusive. This lens has a swirling effect when shot at f2 when the subject is separated from the background and there's a uniform distance from the subject to background. My other copies don't exhibit this effect, insofar as I know. I suspect it may be due to when they were manufactured. This copy's SN, 3007577, indicates it's the oldest (probably) copy. My other copies are 3165867 and 5207002. These are great little lenses and you'll hopefully see many shots from the three of them in coming weeks.

So, without further delay, let's see what you can expect for this week:

Street dance performance, Market Street.

National AIDS Memorial, Golden Gate Park.

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