Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Year In Photos -- Week Seven

This week flew by. In fact, I was so busy I didn't get to take the F3 and Nikkor-Q out on Wednesday. Last week was a challenge anyway with rain, fog, and few extended periods of suitable light. But, I still have plenty of new photos to share this week. To start, here's a sample of what's to come:

Yeah, this promises to be an exciting week and I hope you enjoy the photos. On Friday, you'll get to see my entire Infinity Complex study, and a few shots of brownies.

This week I have five great combinations lined up. Also, three of these cameras are new. I got my hands on a second Pentax K2 (this one black). It also came with a Pentax-A 28-80 zoom, which is a fabulous lens, and a professional-grade flash. And it was $30. I also picked up a Pentax KM for way more than I should have paid for it, but now I'm only one camera away from having all four Pentax K-series film cameras. The Pentax KX (not the digital K-X) yet eludes me. In addition, I picked up an old Nikon FTN for $5. The owner said it didn't work and when I got it the aperture pin was jammed. However, that was because part of the mechanism was assembled improperly. So in three minutes I had it working. It also came with a Nikon FM that needs a new front plate and rewind arm. So, if anyone knows where I can pick up a busted FM with a good front plate and arm, let me know.

Monday: We'll start off with the new K2 (7084574) and my Sigma 35-80 zoom (1035933). This is a marvelous lens and I was very lucky that my father bought it new for me one year. Film will be Foma 100, so the lens is also getting a yellow filter. (The yellow filter makes Foma more contrasy.)

Tuesday: Nikon Nikkormat FTN (FT3634551) and Nikkor-P 105mm (165576). TMax 400. No filter because the filter ring is bent. This will also be this lens' first outing. There's something odd going on with this lens where it appears the inside was improperly coated and circles of coating have disappeared. Fortunately, they're not rattling around inside the lens. Alternately, someone may have taken it apart to fix damage to the coatings (e.g., mold or salt water.) But, if it shoots well, I'll be happy.

Wednesday: Pentax KM (8273837) and Samyang 18-28mm (211773). Foma 400 film. Filter: TBD. I have a 'tobacco' filter around here somewhere I;d like to use, but can't find it. If I find it before Wednesday, I'll use it. If not, yellow.

Thursday:Nikon F3 (1635441) and Tokina SZ-X 28-200mm (9100677). Efke 100 ISO film and either a UV filter. I've never used Efke film before, so I want to see how it performs unfiltered before I go messing with its color rendition.

Friday: Wee began the week with a Pentax K2, why not end it that way? To, Pentax K2 (7024715) and Tokina EL 28mm (8126496) with a partial roll of FOma 100 and a full roll of Pro Max 100 when the Foma runs out. Filter: Orange.

So, three untested cameras, two films I've never tried before, and three lenses I haven't taken out this year. This will be an exciting week with lots of potential.

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