Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Year in Photos: Week Forty-one

This week on A Year in Photos, I'm going to break format a bit and spend the whole week on a single day's worth of photos. On September 8th the Morgan Fire started near my home. It lasted six days and burned more than 3,000 acres.  To recognize how quickly the firemen contained and eliminated the fire, this week's photos will all be from my first hike into the area last weekend. I wanted to see the damage's extent and find out if life was returning. So this week we'll:

Look up at some burned trees (with some general shots of the burn scar),

get uncomfortably close to some smoldered moss (and other macro-type shots),

see the burn damage in infrared (with a visible-light cut filter),

check out some birds (and other signs of life),

turn some people to stone in part 2 (of 12!) of the 1960s Americana Found Photos Friday series.

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