Tuesday, February 11, 2014

K-7 Unretierment

So, yes, my K-7 is officially pseudo-retired. Which explains why it came out of retirement for no reason other than to show up the newer, spiffier K-3.

The first weekend in January, I took my girlfriend to Point Arena to stay at the lighthouse. I brought my K-7, K-3, and 6X7 for film support. The shots will trickle in this month because there were a lot of them -- three cameras and three days. And it was a great weekend for my photography. I got to try a bunch of new tricks and took some shots that I'm very pleased with. Today, I'll focus on two shots.

I haven't really experimented with motion before. So I decided to make some animated gifs. I set the K-7 up to look southwest over the Pacific Ocean. This time-lapse covers 83 photos taken about two minutes apart. There are two little catches where strong winds moved the tripod slightly. Had it not been secured to the fence by its strap and with one tripod leg jammed through the fence rails, the camera may have fallen over. The photo below is a nine-frame composite of the above image meant to capture the whole time lapse in one frame.

I took this time-lapse image on our second night. This was our second sunset and it was stunning. The image that composites all of these frames will be in tomorrow's entry.

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