Monday, February 10, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday -- Great Google+ Photographers to Follow

I'm lucky to have, as of this writing, around 1,600 followers on Google+. But I'm more lucky to have 150 photographers in my Photography circle who I follow and who consistently provide stunning work. Here are ten of those photographers whose work I particularly like.

10- Marie Laigneau
A great opener for this list, Ms. Laigneau has consistently good photos in color or black and white. I find her work compelling human, humane, and compassionate.

9- Uwe Duwe
Another consistent and very skilled photographer, I always look forward to the images Mr. Duwe shares.

8- Linda Villers
A companion in the 2013 52 Shares of Gray black and white photography community, Ms. Villers was kind enough to +1 and even comment on a few of my photos. Her works is spectacular with great composition and lovely execution.

7- Enrique Pelaez
Mr. Pelaez's photos cover many subjects. Simple and classic composition, a good eye for detail and post-work, and consistently great images are why he's one of my favorite Google+ photographers.

6- Maurice Loy
Check out his page and you'll see why he makes this list. There's a lot of stunning work in Mr. Loy's portfolio.

5- Crina Prida
I like Ms. Prida's take on subjects. It's fair to say I could never take a photo in the manner she does, and I like that a lot.

4- Elena Kalis
I love underwater photography, and Ms. Kalis is the best underwater photographer on Google+.

3- Holger Drallmeyer
I really like how Mr. Drallmeyer photographs mechanical subjects. I also like mechnical subjects, but I don't think I do them as well as he.

2- Alan Shapiro
My favorite portrait photographer on Google+. Whenever I see his name at the top of a feed item, I'm excited to see what's coming.

1- Jeff Sullivan
My favorite photographer on Google+.

Google+ has thousands more very talented photographers to check out, but these ten are my personal favorites. Adding them to your circles will give you a lot of great photography every day.

Top Ten Tuesday will be back next week with Ten Great SLR Cameras and why each one is a classic.

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