Saturday, December 24, 2011

One Camera, One Lens, One Roll of Film, 365 Days

A few months ago I accepted a job in San Francisco. This affords me about 45 minutes per day to stroll my neighborhood and photograph the city. I've done nothing of consequence with this blog, so for 2012 my goal will be to take a different camera, lens, and film combination to the city. Each weekend I'll develop the film and blog about the results. Insomuch as possible, I'll list the shutter speed, aperture, and any special photographic considerations.

This year's goal will be to expand appreciation for film photography and, with luck, help preserve an art form that is at serious risk. Previous art forms have lead to new art form, e.g., painting to photography. Film photography has led to digital photography. Had photography killed painting, people could make their own paints at home and continue the art. Film cannot be made at home and if film production ceases so, too, will an entire art form. I can think of no other art form that could become extinct and never be practiced again.

I'll provide a background blog about each camera (sometimes after that camera is used) and, when possible, about the lenses. If the film is noteworthy, I'll discuss it, too. With luck, in a year, we will both know much more about film photography and how to capture exceptional images.

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