Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 -- a Year In Photos

So here we are in 2012. I've said it in a previous post, but I'm going to reiterate it: This year it is my goal to shoot a different camera, lens, and film combination every work day. That's about 250 rolls and 250 blog posts. In addition, I'm going to post occasional blogs on my specific cameras, lenses, and some photographic techniques. Each day I'll blog about the film I shot one week earlier. I'll share the successes, failures, and techniques I used to accomplish each. I won't post every shot, just a representative sample. Ever want to check out all of my photos, click the link below to check out my Picasa albums:

I'll also try to give you a heads-up on what's to come. Tonight you'll get to see a blog about photos I took with my Pentax SP1000 and a Takumar 55mm f1.8 lens. Since these shots were taken last week, they fall before the different lens-camera-film combination so, at minimum, you'll see this lens and camera combination again.

Tomorrow I have a blog about a roll shot in San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood with a Nikkormat FTN outfitted with an Nikkor-Q 135mm. I have two copies of this lens, one of which stops down to f32, so this combination you'll also see again later this year after I replace the FTN's faulty light seals and film advance.

Thursday will be a viewfinder day with some photos captured with an Agfa Ansco Memar from the 1950s. Fun little camera that is.

Friday and Saturday I'll post twice about a four-roll outing I had with my Nikon F3 and Zoom-Nikkor 43-86mm lens. That has some exciting and decent photos, especially given the weather on December 30th.

This week I'll be shooting four rolls of film. Tuesday I'll be taking out my Mamiya/Sekor 1000DTL and Vivitar (22325410) 28mm lens. For those of you familiar with Vivitars, this is the Kino version. It adds a slight blue cast to color photos, but Tuesday's film will be Foma 400 ISO.

Wednesday I'm taking out a Minolta SRT102 with a Celtic 50mm lens. For film, Foma 100 IISO.

Thursday will be an exciting day as I take my Pentax K1000, the SLR which started me in serious photography back in 1991, and the Sigma 35-80mm zoom lens. I've loaded that camera with Foma 400 ISO and affixed a Nikkor red filter to the lens. That should be an interesting day.

Friday I had planned to take the Nikon F3 and Nikkor-H 50mm lens out, but the F3 suddenly broke this weekend and is heading to Nikon for repairs. Maybe they can fix the LCD issue, too? I should ask. Instead, I put the Nikkor-H on my N70. The N70 can, in fact, take NAI lenses if you are careful removing them. To use the N70 with an NAI lens, set it in aperture priority mode and let the TTL metering take care of the shutter speed. That setup will be completed with Foma 100 ISO and a Nikkor Y48 filter.

This could be an exciting week with a nice camera lens and make diversity. I hope you enjoy this week's blogs and pictures.

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