Thursday, January 5, 2012

SOMA, near The Mission and Hayes Valley

The office closed early December 30th for the holiday, so I took the opportunity to walk down to the Hayes Valley/civic Center/Mission area to get some photos. I had my Nikon F3 and the 43-86mm f3.5 zoom lens.

A motorcycle. This required some extra gamma adjustment to balance the contrast. The F3's batteries were low and many of the shots taken on the 30th were either slightly over- or underexposed.

It's like a Rorschach test.

A griffin face on a griffin statue. 8th and Townsend. Postprocessed to increase gamma and contrast.

This is a second capture at f16, straight outta the camera. The above was wide open, and you can note the resolution differences between them, especially around the edges.

The griffin statue, a profile. Processed to increase shadows within the statue.

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