Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Year In Photos -- Week Four

This past week's photos turned out mixed. Also, a note, Friday due to rain I didn't take a camera with me, so Friday's post will be something other than photos. Today I made a slide copier out of plumbing parts, so I may post a how-to for that on Friday. Then, for $14, you can make a slide copier that mounts directly to your digital SLR. That will save you considerable time and money when canning old slides and negatives. They'll require some modest post-processing, but the actual image capture time will be cut by a few thousand fold. So, yes, let's do that Friday.

This week's photos shoots with the travelling Travenar were okay. That lens is not high-grade glass, but it yielded some exciting results. For instance, check out this shot from the K-7 outing on Monday:

Or this shot from Tuesday:

This photo from Wednesday turned out alright.

And with substantial editing, this was a post-worthy photo from Thursday.

That's just a hint of what's coming this week. As for this week's cameras:
Monday: Balda Juwella folding camera and Tmax 400. I'm going to shoot my first 120 roll for the year. The Juwella is about 80 years old and I loaded it with Tmax 400 that expired in 1989. Let's see how this goes. Don't hold out tons of hope. The camera is superb, but expired film is always unpredictable

Tuesday: I'm busting out my first telephoto prime of the year AND the first lens I bought in 2012: Nikkor-Q 200mm f4. I mounted it on the old Nikkormat FTN that mostly works and loaded in some 400 ISO Foma. My goal is to get photos of some cargo ships hanging out in the bay. Why? More like why not? A note, Tuesday I have a major deadline at work, so I put this combination on Tuesday because it presents the least chance for success and Tuesday is the day I'm most likely to miss my daily photo hike.

Wednesday: I loaded the Nikon N70 with 200 ISO Walgreens color film. This is actually good film and last year one of my most-sharp and highest-quality photos came from this same film batch. For a lens, a Tokina 28-200, the same lens with which I captured the previous Walgreens film success.

Thursday: I got a Telesar 28mm lens in Minolta mount this week, so I'm putting it on my SRT 102 and seeing what it delivers. To simplify film processing next Saturday, again it's 400 ISO Foma. This way I can develop all the film in my four-reel tub.

Friday I'm bringing the AE-1 out for some sun. I loaded it with this Russian Kodak Gold 100 I picked up about four months ago for 80 cents a roll. Only one month expired then. I've used three rolls with excellent results. The AE-1 works wonderfully with its 50mm lens, fortunate since that's the only lens I have for it any more.

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