Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Should be Called a NObacco Filter

For this shoot I used a 'tobbacco' filter. It's a brown filter that removes about 1/3 stop of light from entering the lens. I anticipated it would lighten green and red objects, darkening blue and yellow. Instead, it seems to have just muddled the contrast on my photos. You'll notice that many of the shots below seem flat. This means that I need to experiment more with the brown filter, and perform a comprehensive filter effects test. I forgot my notebook on Wednesday, so I have no shutter or aperture data to share, only pithy quips.

Part of the problem about protesting rich people in a wealthy suburb is that there's no one who can, in good conscience, hold the signs. In the latter image you'll notice some flaws in the top left corner. Due to a processing flaw, I had to clone part of the bush to cover a bright white spot.

A tree shadow. A lady commented after I took the photo that not many people would think to take a shot of the shadows. And she may be right. It turned out well, so I hope she stumbles across this blog some day and gets to see the photo.

Hey, that statue looks familiar. Didn't I just see it yesterday?

Yup. I just saw it yesterday.

Sometimes I get art. Sometimes I don't get art. Sometimes I get it and like it; others I get it and don't like it. The converse is also true. This time, I don't get it but like it.

Low angle + wide lens = drama.

And for kicks, a building.

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