Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Year In Photos -- Week Eight

This week promises some exciting blogs entries. And, as an added bonus, since I didn't get out with a camera on Friday, I'll be posting a bunch of lomography with expired Kodak Ektar 400 instead. This stuff expired in 1983 and who knows how it was stored since then. The results are pinhole-like and interesting. Without further delay, though, let's take a look at what this week has in store:

As though that weren't enough to make this coming week exciting, here are the camera lineups I'll be taking out for next week's photos:

Monday: Canon RT (20463369), Canon EF 28-80 (2611388) loaded with Pro Max 100 ISO and a UV filter. I saw a Canon kit for sale at a thrift shop this week. Reasonable price and I needed and EF lens to see how the RT truly works. So I picked up a Rebel 2000, too. Will I ever use it? Who knows. Anyway, I'm excited to take the lens out tomorrow.

Tuesday: Nikon N70 (2314287), Nikon 35-80 (4438066), loaded with Tmax 400 ISO and a Nikkor Y48 filter to enhance contrast. Why not start the week with similar auto-focus SLRs. The RT is a bit nicer, but the N70 is no shabby camera.

Wednesday: Pentax KM (8273837), Pentax-A 28-80 (6094417), loaded with Ilford 50 ISO and a UV filter. I've tested this lens on my K-7 and it's great. The results on film ought to be nice, too. The Ilford 50 is a fabulous film, high contrast and with a rich tonal range. Hopefully the light won't be overly harsh on Wednesday as the Ilford exaggerates contrast variances.

Thursday: Canon AE-1 (4120937), Canon FD 50mm (4229124), loaded with Ilford 50 ISO and a Nikkor Red filter. I picked this combo because the Canon lens opens up to 1.7 or 1.8, I forget which. So I ought to be able to shoot the Ilford at fairly reasonable shutter speeds. As for the red filter, I'm hoping that the sky is partly cloudy, maybe some cirrus clouds, and can deliver some dramatic effects.

Friday: Pentax K2 (7024716), Tokina 28 (8126496), Pro Max 100 ISO film and an Orange filter. Recognize this from last week? Yep. I didn't get to shoot anything Friday, so we'll try again.

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