Monday, March 12, 2012

Around Town with a Nikon FM

I was very excited to get these shots back from the Nikon FM. Since I did a little work on this camera to repair it, I had concerns as to if it would return good results or not. Fortunately, it did. The lens, a Nikkor-S 1:1.4 is the fastest lens I own and I've come to see the appeal of a fast lens. The viewfinder is bright and focusing is a lot easier than with a slow lens. Also, I forgot my notebook on Tuesday, so I don't have any aperture or shutter data to share. However, using 400 ISO film on a sunny day, I can say I had very few shots below f5.6.

1/10th of a second quicker on the shutter, and this could have been a great shot.

This shot was straight from the camera with no post-processing or cropping.

Another shot straight from the camera. This is a great birding lens.

A self-portrait. Focus wasa bit off, though.

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