Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Fuji Velvia Experiment

Because I didn't get any shots with the FTN on Thursday, I decided to use it Friday. I only used half the roll, however, so I have no shots to share yet. A few weeks ago I shared shots from a trip up Mount Diablo in the fog. I also had my Voigtlander Perkeo I with me, loaded with Fuji Velvia 50 ISO slide film. I took half the roll that day and half a couple weeks ago in The City. I didn't intend to use this combination for the blog, so you'll get to see it in action again. This camera continually outperforms my expectations and these slide images demonstrate that.

Let's open big with the best image from the roll. Until now, I haven't used unexpired slide film since the late 1990s. This is amazing and slide film will certainly become a staple in my film fridge. I am absolutely in love with Velvia.

Into the Fog

Over a Foggy Cliff

Even in fog this film captures color nicely.

The Bay Bridge.

Until next week!

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