Thursday, March 15, 2012

Not Every Day has Ten Good Photos

Yesterday was one of those rare, prolific days that photographers love -- every shot seems to be perfect. Some mix of gear, film, light, and timing combine through nothing shy of divine intervention to create a nice mix of quality shots across the whole roll.

Today is not a repeat. The Minolta SRT102 and 135mm Celtic lens are a great combination and work very well together. But none of the shots today have a great 'wow' factor. That said, let's see what we've got.

1/1,000th, f6.3. The Giants' mascot moonlights as The Giants' bouncer. He's clearly taking no gruff.

1/60th, f22. "There is Light Somewhere" -- Noor. This shot exemplifies why correction filters are useful. I left this lens unfiltered and wish that I had brought a green for this shot. The paint, red, blends into the pavement almost invisibly. Had I used a green filter, then it would have been near-black against charcoal shadows. Much more easily read.

1/1,000th, f5.6. A marching percussion troupe outside Giants Stadium. They were good.

1/1,000th, f6.3. Giants Mascot, moonwalk us into the weekend.

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