Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Year In Photos -- Week Eleven

Holy cow do I have some photos for you this week. I managed to get to Alameda, San Francisco, and up Mount Diablo this week to get pictures for the coming posts. SO let's begin by taking a look at what's to come this week.

So this week promises to have a nice image diversity. Also, this week I'll have to break my rules about cameras and lenses as I have an informal assignment to complete by Friday. Since I don't know which day I'll be taking the pictures, I'm going to keep my gear choices minimal so I can decide which day to take my K-7. So, this week I'll have three combos ready to go each day.

Pentax K-7 (3788270), lens TBD. Also, Nikon N70 (2314287) with Nikon 24-120 (343019), Adox 400 ISO film, and a red filter. And from last week, the Spotmatic combination. I was home sick on Wednesday so I didn't get out with a camera. I'll repeat that this week at some point.

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