Thursday, April 19, 2012

Juwella Slides with Colors

My Balda Juwella is my oldest camera dating to the late 1930s. I owned a slightly older Balda Baldax for a while, but the lens had internal dirt so I sold it to someone who could fix that. Balda made fantastic cameras and this Juwella, not even a close contender for title of Best Balda Ever, returned very good results on the Fuji Velvia 50 slide film about two weeks ago. I was in Alameda and took the camera to downtown. Note that I don't intend to take only folding cameras when I go to Alameda. It's a fluke and total happenstance.

This was a long exposure, resting on a step. About 1.5 seconds. I believe I stopped this down to f32, the Juwella's smallest aperture.

The Juwella returned shockingly sharp images. I had not expected this level of performance, honestly, so I was thrilled to see how well is performed in terms of image quality and color rendition. For a lens that pre-dates color film and pre-dates slide film, it performed well with the Velvia.

I just liked the sign.

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