Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spanish-American War Memorial

Wednesday sent me down the F line toward Castro and while I was there I decided to stroll into a pre-demolition building to photograph it before it's pulled down. The interior shots were painfully boring, so I'll spare you. However, at that intersection -- Dolores and Market -- is the San Francisco Spanish-American War Memorial. So I took a few shots of it.

On an unrealted side note, the F line toward Castro goes through some seedy areas. So now, when something is heading in a bad direction (such as a mad dog at a child), I refer to it as 'taking the F line toward Castro.)

1/125th, f8. It may not look it here, but this statue is 26 feet tall. It's a 16-foot-tall bronze masterpiece on top of a 10-foot-tall granite slab. Here we see Roman Goddess of War Bellona and one of the two American soldiers depicted in the statue. Bellona rides Pegasus. I read on Wikipedia that it was hard to get Bellona and Pegasus to model for the sculptor since they're both very busy, despite the fact that no one worships the Roman gods anymore.

1/500th, f2.8. OH MY GOODNESS IT'S GOING TO TRAMPLE ME! Not really. It's bronze.

1/125th, f8. Oh, hey someone actually got trampled. Maybe that joke above wasn't so funny.

1.359th, f4. To end on a light note, seeing as how someone got stomped by a horse in the last two photos, let's ponder this establishment, and muse on what they sell. More importantly, let's ask who they sell to. I picture their patrons walking down the street and seeing the sign.
'Liquor and groceries,' the patron may think. 'What was the first one? Well, I don't need groceries, so I'll keep walking.'
Now imagine the same scenario with the above signage:
'Liquor, groceries, and liquor,' the patron may think. 'Hot diggity! I could go for some liquor. What were the first and second ones? Oh well, I should go buy liquor.'
This sign is ridiculous! But at least we know what they really want to sell.

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