Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stroll through Walton Square

Last Tuesday I took a second stroll in the same general area I'd been in Monday. I had seen a couple streets Monday that I wanted to explore and, as I did, I found a park called Sydney G. Walton Square. I also found a couple sculptures on the way there. It's amazing to me that I can just wander lost around San Francisco and find artwork.

Speaking of artwork! the new public utilities commission building is going to have something like 350 pieces. Guess who's getting in to see the artwork? Yup. Me. Will I be able to share pictures? With luck, but o promises.

After that aside, here are some photos.

1/125th, f1.8

1/125th, f5.6
The Penguins by Beniamino Bufano. Sculpted in porphyry granite. All that geology stuff took root! Not really. The plaque says that thing about the granite.

1/500th, f1.8
This image got some extra post-processing. From the scanner it was very over exposed, so I copied the image, pasted it as a layer, dropped the gamma to 0.2, and made the transparency 85%. The result was substantially better and captured what I had wanted the image to look like.

1/125th, f5.6
The least over-exposed of the images.

1/30th, f16
Asparagus. Actually, this is called Fountain of the Four Seasons. I dig it. I was glad this long-exposure shot turned out because it's kinda neat to see the water bubble over the top and get flung about in the wind.

1/1,000th, f1.8
This is Marisol's portait of Georgia O'Keefe and her dogs. I kinda see it. It's bronze, I think, but probably made from a wood sculpture or meant to look like it. I had to burn a LOT on her face to get the details. So this result could have been better if this camera's light meter worked.

1/1,000th, f1.8
One of the dogs. It appears to be unhappy. Maybe it wishes it were made of brass or molybdenum.

1/4, f16.
I set the camera on a handrail for this image due to the quarter-second exposure time. I've hand-held images at as long as 1/8th of a second without noticeable camera shake, but a quarter-second is too long. Also a bird or something flew through my shot.

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