Monday, September 10, 2012

Ultimately, This Will Happen.

One of my girlfriend's college buddies got married a few weeks back, and after the service I snuck off to the Placerville Union Cemetery to photograph some headstones. I've never done this before, so I did my best to ensure the results did the memorialized justice.

Somehow, hopefully age and not vandalism, this Virgin Mary statue lost its head. Someone had a great idea to place a flower there, instead. I dig it.

SO MUCH DYNAMIC RANGE! Actually, neither this nor the next shot (the color version of this monochrome conversion) resulted from HDR photography. The shot below was the first I made and through layers, exposure adjustment, and selective layer erasing, I arrived at this result (and subsequently the monochrome conversion above.)

This is a very masonic obelisk.

This is the other side of the very masonic obelisk.

This cemetery has some extremely old headstones, but this isn't one of them. Only 1949. Some of the headstones were in this cemetery before this marker's person was born.

Unfortunately, though, some of the headstones have broken. Like this one which, judging by the moss growth on the fracture, broke some time ago.

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