Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Year in Photos: Week Twelve

This week is going to have some fun and some technical stuff. I've been experimenting with mega macros lately and this week will talk about how I obtained 5.5X magnification. I suspect I can do better. My goal is to achieve 10X magnification, which is the border between macrography and miscroscopy. So that's going to be on Friday. Mostly this week I'll share photos from my recent hikes in Lime Ridge, here in Walnut Creek. I've been lucky enough to see a wide array of birds and some other animals, too. In fact, one of the birds I'll have photos of this week -- the Northern Burrowing Owl -- is very rare in Contra Costs County and has never been documented where I found it. And no, I will not share where I found its burrow. For now, though, here is a look at what's ahead this week.

White Tailed Kite

Mallard-domestic Cross

Anna's Hummingbird

Ground Squirrel

Great Egret

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