Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday Hike: Part 1 of 2

This was my first hike since before my Achilles tendon surgery in November. This followed the four-mile walk in SF which yielded the photos we'll see Thursday and Friday. I took almost a full 16 GB memory card of images on this hike, but most of it was to test HDR techniques, take some panoramic landscapes, and practice image stacking with different focal points.

The HDR shots, by and large, turned out badly. That happens a lot with me. I'm clearly doing something wrong and haven't figured out what yet. The image stacking shots also did. I could have had better results with a tripod. Panorama stitches I seem to have a decent handle on, and this FA Limited does very well with those.


This was about nine or ten shots stitched together. Not as a panorama, but each with a different focal point. From infinity to about eighteen inches, this shot lined up nicely with only a couple of slight blending glitches. I edited them out, though.


Part way up the first hill I've hiked since November. I had to stop three times, and that hill is probably only 150 or 200 feet high. Weak sauce!


A tree at the top of that first hill. Photo stitch from eight or so images.


This was stitched together from about fourteen shots. This is another tree at the top of the first hill.


In general, this is what Lime Ridge looks like. Most of the year it's not so verdant.

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