Thursday, August 15, 2013

Found Photos Friday: Larger than Life

About a year ago I found some 4X5 film. I haven't actually digitized all of it yet. This was in a big lot of stuff that I sold for an acquaintance. I wish I could have kept most of it. But, the negatives she let me keep (I decided to develop them) and back then I wasn't interested in doing something like Found Photos Friday. Not, it's going to be an almost-weekly staple in my blog this year. With luck, I'll be able to keep this feature going for a long time.

Anyway, for a long time, I did not like ANY of the photos I found that this guy had done. But, after shooting 4X5 myself, I've come to see what he was seeing in them and I quite like some of these shots. In fact, some I wish I could say were mine.

I dig it a bit, but I think ht has a bit too much tilt.

This must have been an incredibly tough exposure to get. I mean, shadows on the lower right, bright spots in the middle. It's a likable shot with just fantastic technical accuracy. I can't get my 4X5 shots to turn out like this.

Simply stunning. There's a glitch about 1/3 of the way down from the top where Photoshop made a mistake pasting the image together, but wow is this an impressive photo.

I like the whole building more than this detail.

I think this is aligned correctly, but I'm not sure.

This one I do not get.

It's interesting to me how different photographic methods -- cameras, formats, and media -- change one's approach to and taste in photographic subjects. A year ago I disliked all of these and found them boring. A year on, after dabbling in large format photography, I've grown to appreciate these and really like some of them. In the coming months, I'll finish digitizing the negatives (four or eight color negatives remain) and will share those, too.

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