Monday, October 7, 2013

Morgan Fire Hike, Two of Four

In addition to my two FA Limited lenses, I brought my Sigma 50mm macro lens. This lens performs pretty well on the K-7 and in general is a very nice lens. Mosses growing on the trees along the path showed various levels of burn damage from total to partial and none. What surprised me most about the fire damage was that I expected it to be complete. However, even in areas of substantial damage the fire left some patches of plant life untouched. In some cases rocky outcrops appeared to protect them or divert the fire. In others, no clear reason for the fire's mercy existed.

Moss burned in the core but untouched on the fringes.

A closer detail of moss that survived the fire in relatively good condition.

This infrared shot shows moss completely burned by the fire, the black and twisted char clinging to its host tree's bark.

Only a foot tall, this sapling seemed to fare rather well considering the rest of the area. On Thursday we'll see more signs of the area's life returning fairly quickly.

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