Friday, January 10, 2014

Found Photos Friday -- European-brand 127

Welcome back fro a whole new year of Found Photos Friday! This year will start off with a number of random, single rolls I found in the last few months of 2013. I also have a box of about 150 slides that I found at an estate sale. However, the big haul is on loan to me to digitize. It includes hundreds of medium- and large-format images taken by a photographer from 1916 (this is the oldest I've found so far) until the 1960s. I'm still in the VERY early stages of the digitization, so those will trickle in over the next few years.  Oh yeas. This lot contains literally years worth of old photos with each of the dozens of boxes having from 20 to around 200 images.

Before that starts, I'm going to buy some time to digitize more images by sharing ones I already have ready to go. A while back I picked up some European-branded 127 film. I had hoped it would have great photos of Europe. Not really. Actually, the photos barely turned out, the film having been damaged by light, age, temperature changes, moisture, and fungus.

That said, the film probably held up better than a digital sensor would under those conditions.

Next week we'll be back with some similar results from some found Kodakcolor II 620 film.

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