Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pinhole Camera Experiments

For my art class I also did some experiments with pinhole cameras. Here are some examples as well as descriptions of what you're seeing. When the videos for each are done, they'll be uploaded to my YouTube channel.

Brisk Iced Teas Pinhole Camera
For this camera, I used a Brisk iced tea can. I cut it open, painted the inside black, and made two pinholes (at approximately a 70-degree angle) in the sides. This allows me to make single or double exposures. Double exposures can be of the same thing or different things. The results have been fascinating.

Here I punched holes in the paper to try for a 36-degree wrap. It partly worked.

Here I used sheet film and photographed a hill in a manner in which I can guarantee it's never been photographed before.

Eastmann Kodak 5217 (250D) Motion Picture Film 250-foot Spool Can
Using an old film can, I put a hole in the top and used the back (with circle-cut paper) to make these images. The images are significantly smaller than the paper. All of them look as though they were taken from inside a hole.

The Dragon Box Steroscopic Camera
Instead of describing this one, here is a video showing you how it's made.

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