Monday, January 27, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday -- Ten Great Portrait Photographers

I don't take many portrait photos, but I think sometimes that I would like to. I love good portraits, though. Here are ten photographers who portrait work, I think, is simply stunning.

10- Steve McCurry
I really love McCurry's portraits. I first saw his work in National Geographic -- the Afghan woman that is such a well known photo. However, as great a photo as that is, I think many of his other shots are as good and similarly visually stunning. I would love to have an eye for images that's as good as his.

9- Bryan Adams
It's hard to say if Adams is a portrait photographer or fashion photographer. He kind of does both but neither, to my eye, and I think his results are good. Much of his work that I've seen is similar in framing a structure, but the way he captures his models differently works for me.

8- Emil Schildt (this website contains some NSFW images)
Calling Schildt a portrait photographer alone would be a grave injustice. He works with models and creates creative poses that seem to simultaneously embrace a hyperbolic realism harkening simultaneously to gaunt-chic 1980s culture and the Victorian-era. I like his work's creativity, pushing of photographic boundries, and artistry.

7- Rudi Amadeus Blondia
Simply stunning work. There's no way to put into words how great Blondia's work is.

6- Sam Wang
Wang captures people in their environment. Through the image's surroundings, his portraits give the viewer a greater sens of who the person is than simply sticking a lens in their face could.

5- Sam Rambo (borderline NSFW)
Rambo has a great eye for lighting and studio work. Great composition, well-thought images, and technical perfection. One of the best, if not the best, on this list in terms of technical skill. For an added treat, check out his landscape portfolio -- wow.

4- Petr Sikora
Sikora uses a number of alternative processes as well as analog photography. His portfolio is one of the most stunning on this list because not only are the images great, they were all difficult to obtain and required great skill.

3- Paul Do
More of a fashion photographer, his portrait-like work still captures my eye. I like the way he frames, poses, and lights his subjects.

2- Alex Timmerman
Timmerman's work with wetplate colloidion portraits is probably the best I've ever seen. Check out his work as it explains why alternative processes can still take a viewer's breath away in a digital world saturated by HDR photos and garish image filters. These images are hand-crafted and high-skill artistry as its best.

1- Andreas Feininger
Feininger was one of those photographers who literally could shoot anything and do it well. His cityscapes are espcially breathtaking. However, I think his eye for capturing people is simply astounding.

Top Ten Tuesday will be back next week with Simple Photoshop Techniques to Improve your Post-processing,

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