Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Welcoming the Pentax K-3

As I said two days ago, my k-7 is enjoying a well-deserved pseudo-retirement. Spoiler alert: I've already brought it out of retirement for a shoot and it out-performed the K-3 hands-down.


The K-3 held up better than the K-7 could have on a separate shoot, but those posts are coming later this month with more details on that statement.

That said, I'm pleased as punch by my K-3's performance in general. I took it to the Blackhawk Auto Museum here in Danville for the first trial run. The results were fabulous. Here are some of the shots.

This and a later image both made my 10- 20 last year. It was interesting to see how quickly -- the first time out -- the K-3 performed well enough to make the cut into the top 20. 2014's top 20 will be an interesting shootout between the K-7 and K-3 as to which camera take the most shots for the list.

I'm looking forward to getting to know this camera and to taking some great shots with it. In the next year I hope to learn about everything this camera has to offer and use it to the fullest.

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