Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The Asahi Pentax Spotmatic marked the Pentax's entry into amateur and professional photography. Asahi released eight Spotmatic versions from 1964 through 1976. One of the best -- I argue the best -- was the SP1000, two of which I'm luck enough to own (one is not yet working, though.) I'd never used this camera, I don't think, with a wide-angle lens. So I popped on a Focal 28mm lens, which is surprisingly crisp when focused well, and took it to San Francisco. I took that combination out along with some Imation 100 ISO film. Even though it was a 15-exposure roll, I managed to squeeze 16 frames from it. Also, I was able to take it out at mid-day and sunset for a nice variety of shots.

I forgot to note some of the shots exposures and apertures, and this was one of those shots. I don't agree with graffiti, but it can be interesting to photograph. There are more productive ways to express one's self than vandalizing someone else's property.

He is the 100%. I have no idea what that means. I do know this is blurry because ti was a 1/5th-second hand-held shot.

1/60th, f4. Standard bridge sunset picture. By the time I'd walked up the Embarcadero to shoot the next shot, the sun had fallen so much the exposure time increased substantially.

0.5 second, f11. This, the last shot on the roll, turned out decently well. To stabilize it, I set it on a cement fence post. For proper angle, slid a couple fingers under the lens. I am glad this shot turned out well as it was the best on the roll and one of my better shots so far this year. Thankfully the year is young so I'll hopefully have more, better shots in coming months.

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