Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Real Time with the Canon RT

The Canon RT introduced the Pellicle mirror to cameras. The only camera I've ever used with no blackout during the photo capture, an effect I still find somewhat disconcerting. I don't know how to fully use the RT yet; some of its functions are still a mystery. I'll learn how to use all of it when I get an EF lens to mount to it.

Hand-held 1/8 of a second at f8. One advantage of the RT's system, which has no mirror movement to shake the camera during exposure, is that it allows much longer hand-held exposures.

1/180th at f1.8. Each winter San Francisco has a skating rink in the Embarcadero. I tried the same shot twice at two apertures.

1.90th, f4. The same shot with a deeper depth of field.

1/60th, f2.5. San Francisco boasts a wealth of statuary. Some exceptional and some, well, curious. I think this is a samurai, but I'm not entirely sure.

I took a couple shots on this roll specifically to convert to monochrome. Why? No good reason. This was one of them.

And here it is in monochrome. Monochrome provides a different view on reality unburdened by color's messiness and chaos.

1/60th, f11. One final image, shadows at a Muni stop.

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