Thursday, February 2, 2012

An Old Kit Delivers

Canon made the AE-1 from 1976 to 1984. The AE-1 has Canon's wonky FD mount. Unlike bayonet mounts, the FD is a breech-load mount whereby a ring on the camera lens rotates to hold the lens in place. I have heard this was done so that the lens didn't rub against the camera body and, in time, wear out the metal and make either the lens or camera unable to focus properly. I have a number of SLRs up to 40 years old and none of the bayonet mount units exhibit enough wear to affect performance. Petri, for a time, used a similar system to Canon, but the locking ring was on the camera.

"So, uh, what's the thing you got there in your hands, buddy? Hmm? What's it do, buddy? You pointing it at me, or at you, buddy? Just curious there, buddy." That's what the pigeon was thinking.
1/1000th, f1.8. The pigeon was a solely black silhouette at first, so I pulled the bird and fence out with a wand mask, increased the exposure about 2, and pasted it back in with about 75% transparency.

1/125th, f16. Fog doesn't work well with monochrome, so I was lucky to have color on Friday. However, all of the images came back from the developer green. To return this to a natural color cast, I had to make major changes in the curve and desaturate a number of hues.

1.125th, f5.6.

1.500th, f2.8. Best shot on the roll. Except for cleaning up some white spots (developing problems), this shot is straight off the roll.

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