Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SOMA Marina

So not a whole lot worked with the SRT 102, Telesar 28mm, Foma 400 ISO combination. I suspect it relates to bad developer chemical, improper exposure estimating on my part, and a sub-par lens. It's too bad, too, because I wanted this lens to be nice. I'll give it a couple more tries, though, with different film and different subjects. I had only limited time for my walk last Thursday, so I had to limit my pictures to an area not well suited, typically, to wide-angle photography: the marina near AT&T Park.

1/125th, f8. This lens vignettes worse than any lens I've ever used except the 18mm Samyang I have in K mount. Wow. And this is with some cropping.

Full second exposure, f16. I enjoy photographing playgrounds. They present a challenge and have interesting shapes and colors. However, I will not photograph one if there are kids there. On this day the playground was closed, or else I would have gone in for better shots. I like that the central play piece here mirrors the design of the sculpture behind it.

I forgot to write this one in my notes, but i twas certainly wide open at f2.8. This shot hints at this lens being able to deliver crisp results, so my initial feelings about it being a soft lens may be inaccurate.

Full second, f16. I had to drop the gamma to add suitable contrast. Also, the negative was touching the previous spiral and so the image's right side didn't develop.

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