Monday, May 21, 2012

May 5th Project (Part 1 of 2)

Back on May 5th a photo message board I frequent had a project where a bunch of us from around the world took a roll of film, in its entirety, on May 5th. I admit I only got 24 of the 36 exposures taken. So here, today, are a mix of shots from the May 5th 24-exposure burst. The San Francisco shots will be posted next week.

One of my dogs. The AE-1 takes absolutely amazing photos.And it helps that this dog likes having his photo taken.

The girlfriend and I decided to take the dogs for a walk in downtown Walnut Creek. It went, well, it went. This is the statue in front of the Chase Bank, a statue I've visited before for this blog.

I'm not sure exactly what it is, but to me it looks like three robot dancers trying to swing themselves apart. I kinda dig it, though.

Could you imagine being stuck with this guy for eternity? Having to look at the blank, emotionless face? Wondering if he's mad at you, maybe not, or maybe. Maybe that joke about him not having a nose was just too far? Why else would be be giving you the silent treatment? Then you realize you look exactly like him!

Yup. Exactly like him.

I finished the day with some moon shots -- after a few tree shots. However, none of the moon shots delivered usable results.
Next week, the San Francisco shots.

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