Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Top 20 -- Photo 1

Compared to last year, this year's work definitely tailed off a bit. Understandably as this year I was significantly busier with work and YouTube video commitments, so I didn't have as much time to shoot. Next year, I hope, will see improvement from 2013.

2014 will see some changes to the blog's format. I have some posts planned out but need to carve some time to write them. Hopefully the blog will grow in 2014. And now for some 2013 metrics:

2012 blog views (through December 11): 10,801 -- up from 4,305 in 2012

And my best photo of the year is ... government property. Yup. I can't share it. And on that anticlimactic bombshell, see you in 2014. Wait. It already is 2014.

But wait! Standing in for the best photo of the year is this one:

Somehow I forgot to include this photo in my top 20. Actually, I'm really comfortable with this being the best photo of my 2013 photographic year.

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