Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 -- A Look Ahead

2013 was a mixed bag. I was busy, spent the year recovering from Achilles tendon surgery, and in general experienced a photographic slump. My top five photos were, I think, excellent. But where my ceiling remained consistent from 2012, my floor definitely dropped.

In 2014 I'll be re-focusing my efforts to become a better photographer. In lieu of posting nothing but my own work, I'm going to spend a bit less time shooting but instead shoot for the best results I can. However, I want to keep bringing consistent content to the blog.

To that end, I had one regular feature in 2013 -- Found Photos Friday (FPF). In that feature I shared old photos I found at estate sales, as undeveloped film in eBay auctions, and so forth. That feature will continue and I have enough material to last, probably, though 2015. I've already written the FPF posts for January and February and have enough for part of March. In April, I'll begin sharing a literal lifetime of photos I was loaned for the purpose of digitizing and sharing. They span at least 50 years with the oldest I've found being marked 1916 and the youngest 1966. The collection includes dozens of boxes, some with more than 150 negatives or slides.

In addition, I'll be dding another regular feature -- Top Ten Tuesday (T3). Each Tuesday I'll have a top ten list. I have all 52 planned and all the entries through February written, so this should be a manageable feature. My hope is that the lists will contain links, tips, and knowledge that will help improve other photographers skills. Some of the upcoming T3 posts are Ten Great Google+ Photo Communities and Ten Easy Photoshop Techniques.

2014 looks like it will be an exciting year and I've set high goals for myself again. In 2013 I failed to meet, well, all of my goals. 2014 will be better.

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