Last week I mentioned that I was working on abstracts for my photography class' final project. Here's one of two videos I made as part of an abstract experiment. Some of the shoot's actual images follow.
I started my abstract paint project with paint on wax paper. I made this one look kings like a bug. It may or may not be a bug that someone stepped on.
In time, I gave up on the shapes and simply began letting the paint do the work. The results proved much more unpredictable and interesting.
In the video and for these I put store-brand vegetable oil in a plastic tray and placed drops of oil-based model paint in it.
The point moved through the oil like a bad idea through a mob -- quickly and unpredictably. When it touched, it would spread out along the oil's surface like a slick, but the paint's additives turned gummy in the oil. So the paint on the surface, which was gummy, stayed in place while the paint under the surface moved away from the surface paint.
Here are the other two videos in the series:
This post -- this is about how this week is going to go. There are a number of very strong abstract images this week.