In real life, that fly was pretty big.

Selective focus macro, made by stacking but only focusing on part of the image.

Made from about 30 razor-thin focal slices.

I would lichen this to moss, and algae. Maybe both.

Stacking macros isn't the only use of a bellows, though. With the 135mm attached, I managed some good very-close shots from a number of feet away. This lizard was skittish, but I was able to get these shots from about three or four feet.

I think this is a fence lizard, but I'm not sure.

Some flowers. I used the flash on this shot. Yeah. I was surprised by how well it turned out, too.

And, when on Mount Diablo, it's good to get some area shots, too. It's a scenic place. This was made by stacking about six shots to get maximum depth of field without stopping down too far. Look closely under the bench and you can see a stitching error.

A multi-shot panorama of the observation building. The individual shots weren't stopped down very far, so each image had a different focal point, similar to the technique I used in the image above.
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