Hannah stares contemplatively out at the ocean, pondering if it has an end, what rests on its far side, and if there are dogs there.

After losing my floating Kong (the second one I've had which didn't ACTUALLY float...), the dogs found this nasty tennis ball. That, too, belongs now to Poseidon.

Fort Funston has some pretty wicked trees.

For scale, Hannah is about 95 pounds and around 27 inches at her withers.

After the beach, we stopped a 99 Ranch for dinner. I decided, on a whim, to make crawdads. I need to learn how to make crawdads. Even following the directions, they weren't that great. I think my broth was to blame.

This guy was really unhappy at the prospect of being cooked.

Carrots, potatoes, and celery -- a nice foundation for a veggie stew, but somehow it just didn't work with the crawdads.
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