A Year in Photos

Photography, fiction, and personal essays form my three primary creative outlets. For this blog's first 18 months, I used it primarily for photography. As I've returned to creative writing, I'll use this blog for fiction, too. Sometimes, when reality needs to be discussed more than truth, I write personal essays.

This blog will continue to showcase as many above-average photos as I can muster. Hopefully my written work will be as good or better than the visual. Whichever drew you here -- photographs or fiction, I hope you enjoy both.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Few Takes on the Golden Gate Bridge

We'll keep this week-closing post simple and stick just to photos. After the winery tour, my girlfriend and I headed to the Golden Gate Bridge for sunset. Here are some of the shots.

The first shot is from my Samsung Galaxy S3. Yes, it's a camera phone shot. The editing is thanks to the Aviary app. No, I'm not an Instagrammer.

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