A Year in Photos

Photography, fiction, and personal essays form my three primary creative outlets. For this blog's first 18 months, I used it primarily for photography. As I've returned to creative writing, I'll use this blog for fiction, too. Sometimes, when reality needs to be discussed more than truth, I write personal essays.

This blog will continue to showcase as many above-average photos as I can muster. Hopefully my written work will be as good or better than the visual. Whichever drew you here -- photographs or fiction, I hope you enjoy both.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

NSFW Artwork

Today's post will feature a number of sculptures. I'll carry these images into a Saturday post this week, too. Today we'll get out of the way the ones with nudity. These are all sculptures, artwork only. However, not all employers are keen on people seeing anything even possibly remotely offensive at work, so I labeled this one NSFW -- Not Safe For Work -- to protect anyone who works for a stricter employer. That said, here are a string of photos for you to enjoy.

All these come from the de Young Museum in San Francisco, California. Some are part of the permanent collection, others aren't. For specific information about a certain statue or sculpture, leave me a comment.

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